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Archive for May 22nd, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

Posted by TravellingStrom on May 22, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away- Time For a Break

Mayan Prophecy Countdown

It was raining when we got up, so after a bit of research about weather patterns, we decided to stay here another day. Anthony had been riding hard from England to Bosnia, then a long day to meet up with me and a few late nights as well, and I had been doing long days with some great technical riding and some hiking, so battery recharge time ๐Ÿ™‚ The rain did ease now and then which made for great opportunities to take a short walk down to the harbor wall and check out the boats and views ๐Ÿ™‚

I liked that little boat and met the owner who is a professional fisherman, the only one in this town, basically it is a net fishing boat. I was doing some research and stuff because we had to make some choices on a riding direction. I only had a basic plan of riding through the nice roads and seeing where the caches would take me. Bernie(Anthonyโ€™s nickname) was enjoying learning about geocaching and was impressed by the locations and would bring his family to some of these spots in the future. I doubt I will be back myself, this is a once only trip (Gold Lotto maybe?) Bernie only had a few weeks before he needed to be back home, he is texting with his kids every day, and each time they sign off , they say โ€œyour orphan childโ€ LOL . We did not have any exact plans individually, but Anthony mentioned that he would like to see Count Draculaโ€™s Castle, over there in Transylvania, in Romania, so I thought why not, it would be a blast ๐Ÿ™‚ I used the GPS software and we both planned a route that would take us through Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria then Romania, around 1300km or so, a few days ride. It was a bit hard to judge because the road networks in Bosnia are a bit missing on the GPS maps we both had, even googlemaps could not work out a route. But eventually, with many small individual way points, we mapped a way across and would chuff off tomorrow, regardless of weather, it was wet everywhere!
So, after some planning and blog writing, it was now mid afternoon, surely it is beer time!!! We planned on an early start around 8am, and having a few beers now would mean an early night ๐Ÿ™‚ The rain had stopped and it was looking fab outside and it did not take long to bump into one of the locals down the pub ๐Ÿ™‚ He thought we had something in common, well, under the chin we did, but above we were way different ๐Ÿ˜‰

The evening progressed and between us, we decided that we are at that age where solid food is a requirement, so we grabbed a feed near our place, mine was a simple spag bol. Here we met Ann and Jerry from Sweden, nice chatting with you both ๐Ÿ™‚

It was an early night for a change, only about 11 or so
Cheers from Croatia

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