
Riding to the end of the world, and beyond!

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The Strom

This page has been updated on 16th April 2012. I have a newer version of the Vstrom, a black 09 model with ABS, but that is in Australia.  I had sold the blue 2006 version as it had been dusted.

My bike I am using in the America’s is a 2007 model Suzuki DL650 Vstrom with quite a few modifications to make touring, both on and off road, more enjoyable and safer for me.

These modifications I took with me and bolted on in Salt Lake City, prior to starting my trip, thanks to Ken and Beverly who hosted me for the two weeks needed to ready the bike 🙂

The bike in Panama, on the deck of a 62ft yacht, the Golden Eagle with Aussie skipper Peter(Bruce) heading to Colombia, South America

This is the new Black ABS bike in Sarina at Shaynes place

And this is in front of The Barking Spider, Medellin, Colombia, with Hellen 🙂

A while back I attended the Inaugural Vstrom gathering at Cobar, in 2007 and this is the prize I won for the most farkled VStrom.  FARKLE = a combination of Function and Sparkle, those things added to a motorbike that improves their function or looks.

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28 Responses to “The Strom”

  1. A. Winter said

    Maybe, you could find another photo of yourself?

    I’ll be happy to help out with baby ones 🙂

  2. travellingstrom said

    I don’t think there is any need for that 🙂

  3. A. Winter said

    Allright — I guess it would not go with the bike….

  4. renojohn said

    Hey, looks good. Nice job on the strom and the blog. Looking forward to reading of your great adventures. Cheers from reno …john

  5. Des Vizzard said

    Keep learning to ride and one day you may make the big time and get a
    Beemer !!!!

  6. travellingstrom said

    Thanks renojohn, not long now, end of the month

    Des, at the rate they break down around me, it may not be a wise move eh!! 🙂

  7. JC said

    Good ride reports, how many kms on the the strom now ? And is the Tomtom still playing up ?

  8. travellingstrom said

    Hi JC Thanks m8 for your comments

    I have clocked over 50,700km on the bike, so it should be nearly run in

    The TomTom is great. Since I had it exchanged under warrenty for the new version V2, I have had no problems electrically or mechanically(the mounting system is so much better than V1). I still have issues with bad addresses, but that is due to the data supplied via the Sensis system in Oz, but Garmin also use the same data and have the same errors.

    I have just realised that this is not quite correct. The TomTom lost all its data on th eway to Alice and had to be sent back for repair. I have a feeling this was my fault, because I had added some extra features, mainly a track logger and a sunset timer. I think once all the memory was full of tracks, that this may have caused the problem.

    At this stage it is working.

  9. jc0031 said

    hi again
    email me when you get a chance
    I would like a bit more info on rhe vstrom
    I’m looking to replace the beemer soon
    I’ve done 90k on it know and its just about shagged

    thanks mate


  10. TomTom GPS said

    Very interesting article, i bookmarked your blog for future referrence
    Best regards

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